The Emotion Conversation

Interactive Art Therapy Game 

by Kristina Webb and Johanna Moreta

Medium - Print and Product Design
Programs - Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop  
Specs - Set of eight cards, instructions sheet and notepad
Tags - card game, activity design, product design, print, collage, emotions, mental health, conversation starter

Displaying and talking about emotions can be difficult but is very important in our ever changing world where emotions often run high. This essential need to start a conversation about emotions is the reason why The Emotion Conversation was created. The Emotion Conversation is a game that helps facilitate a conversation about emotions such as sadness, anger, fear and joy. These emotions are represented through a study of how different colors, imagery and composition flow together to create different emotional responses within the collages featured in this card based activity.

Goals and Objectives

To create an activity that helps facilitate communication surrounding emotions and mental health.


In order to create an activity that promotes conversations about emotions and mental health, Johanna and I looked into similar resources and activities used by individuals such as therapists, psychologists and parents to facilitate communication about mental health before we began to create our own activity set.


Individuals such as therapists, psychologists and parents who are looking to facilitate conversations surrounding emotions with their patient or child.

What I learned

Creating a set of cards with a partner was a great exercise in creating a cohesive system.

Process Work: